Hai to Gensō no Grimgar wiki

Relics shouldn't be confused with the electric swords found in the Dusk Realm or the fetishes used by Phylia user in Parano.

Well, you see, here’s what relics are. It’s an overarching name for anything that can’t be made with modern technology, and was clearly made in the past. They’re usually weapons or armor, or handy items. What you have there is of the handy items variety. Hold it up to your ear.

Shima explaining what are relics to Haruhiro after he gave him a receiver, volume 4

Relics are mysterious, rare, and usually powerful objects which display magic like effects, some even able to go against the laws of the world..

A lot of them are linked to Ainrand Leslie and his Leslie Camp which is said to be the place where the legendary merchant stock his immense treasure and large collection of relics. In fact, according to Shinohara, Leslie is the one who posses the most relic in Grimgar, but it's unknown if he is referring to the world or only the continent.

Every relic as its own signature energy, which can be felt by people who have been around Relics for long enough. However, the way they perceived it vary widely: some see it as light or smell but some, like Shinohara, just feel something amiss about the object, there are also some relics which can measure it. Ainrand Leslie calls that energy Elixir, every relic posses some level of it and its quantity is directly related to the power of the relic: a more powerful relic having more Elixir. Moreover, while it's unknown whether relics attract Elixir or generate it, removing a relic's Exilir lead to the Relic loosing its power. Similarly, disposable relics lose their Elixir once they've been used.

Know relics:[]

Objects that have been confirmed to be relics.

Golems' core[]

The core used to animate golems is a form of relics that creates a pseudo soul and acts as the golem heart and brain. It's the golem true body and as long as it's not destroyed, it can be reconstructed with the same personality as before.

The one containing Enba looks like a hard gem small enough to fit in Setora's pocket, cover in small holes from in witched flicker numerous blue light. According to necromancers from the Hidden Village, it should be possible to read the pseudo-soul's will from those flickers.

Enba's core is the only relic which has been shown to work in Parano, it's also the only known relic to have been a fetish in that case used by Setora to summon Enba's former body for a time.


A black rectangle which functions much like a radio or cell phone allowing long distance communication.

Door to Parano[]

A door leading to the world of Parano, can be found within the Leslie Camp. When opened it looks like just a normal door in the center of a room, but when someone or something goes through it, they can go backward and are forced to completely pass through and end up in Parano.

Universal Key ring[]

A key ring of nine (now 8) keys which seems to work as one-time use universal keys which once use turn into black mist, found inside the Leslie Camp

Memory-erasing drug-making relic[]

An unnamed relic use by Leslie to create the drug used to erase volunteer soldiers' memories.

The Paw of Terror[]

That relic is actually the hair ornament Hiyomu wears, it was given to her by Leslie but she was the one who chooses the name. When used as a weapon Hiyomu throw it at the enemy, despite being less than fist-sized and looking like a stuffed animal, it can inflict some severe blunt damages on impact (enough to incapacitate Kuzaku wearing armor). Moreover, that relic is able to move on his own coming back to its user after having been thrown and following them around


"The decapitating blade" Beheader is a relic sword in Shinohara's possession. It's a smallish longsword with a dull tip and, from the way it's described, it seems like its appearance is rather bland. However, it's a great sword, sharp and sturdy enough to cut a tombstone. Moreover, from the way Shinohara speaks of it, it likely has more effects.

Considering who he is working for, it's very likely that that sword is a gift from Leslie, as he regularly gives away relics to his underlings.

Unnamed "magic pouch"[]

A pouch which can store way more than the exterior make it look, a relic given to Hiyomu by Leslie

Portal bud[]

The real name of that relic is still unknown. It's made up of 2 objects, one of them being a relatively small bud-shaped objects, the form of the other is unknown, but it seems to also be quite small, as it can be easily carry by Hiyomu.

When the bottom of the bud-like one is push inward it will start to vibrated before spawning an oblong hole in space liking the 2 parts of the relic, ultimately creating a temporary portal for people and object to instantly go from one place to the other. However, that relic can only be used one time and the portal only stay open for a really short amount of time (when used in Level. 16, it only lasted long enough for 6 persons to go through). It also seems like at least the bud-shaped part vanish when the portal appears.

Jin Mogis' ring[]

A ring that was probably given to Jin by Leslie, it looks like a ring of moderate size (Haruhiro describes it as not "especially large") made mostly of a gold-like metal. However, what's most noticeable, is the jewel mounted on the ring's head because of its vivid imposing light blue hue and the fact that 3 petals or leaves shaped objects float inside it.

That relic doesn't seem to have any passive effect and need to be activated by saying the following sentence in Latin "Nostarem sangui sacrifici" (ノスタレム・サングウィ・サクリフィシ). Once activated the ring saps the strength of other people and animals near the wearer (for those affected it apparently feels like being in an anemic state), the exact radius of effect is unknown but big enough to encompass a sizable room like the throne room of Tenburo Tower. As other people are weakened, the wearer is strengthened gaining super-human speed and strength, enough for Jin to completely overpower Team Haruhiro by himself.

Leslie's staircase[]

A spiral staircase found in Leslie's base, it goes through an area of "nothingness", Shinohara describing it as "an open space that was neither bright nor dark. With nothing resembling walls. Just the spiral staircase.". The staircase itself is made of something which is neither iron nor stone.

It's unclear what the purpose or function of that relic is, considering that that staircase leads to what seems to be Leslie's personal "chamber", it could be a security measure.


An armor currently in Renji's possession, like any armor it can protect its wearer from damage but it can also be activated to produces powerful lightning surrounding the user and their weapons augmenting their capacity and damaging the enemy, the lighting is even able to chase a target to some extent.

However, that power comes at a cost and the user is left drained once the armor is deactivated, that fatigue is not to be ignored as it could lead to the user's death if the armor was activated for too long. To make matter worse Aragarfald can't be switch on and off in quick successions, as such once activated the user must do their best to end the fight before the effect ends and the recoil hits.


"The shield of protection", Guardian, is a relic shield currently in Shinohara's possession. Its main effect seems to be nullifying magic, however, it probably isn't perfect as Shinohara wasn't sure that it would be able to stop one of the Lich King's instant death spells. But since it turned out that it was able to block even that kind of spell, the protection it offers seems to be quite powerful.

The Lich King's ring[]

A ring made of a reddish metal, possibly a gold alloy, sporting a pearl-like stone. While it looks like a pearl, the stone is clear and only the very center is cloudy and endlessly shimmering. According to Shinohara this ring hold almost endless power, it was what kept the Lich King "alive" for so long and allowed it to manifest soldiers out of sand and bones. It also seems like the ring could have some fascinating properties, as Shinohara is unable to detach his regard from the impurity at the center of the stone.

The ring was originally hidden within the golden gauntlet worn by the Lich King, making it look like the gauntlet was the relic. Shinohara took advantage of that misconception and was able to make everyone believes that the gauntlet was indeed the source of the Lich King's power. Then he used Kimura's death as an excuse, along the fact that it would be "too much power for one person", to make a show of destroying the "relic" before secretly retrieving the true relic within the remains of the gauntlet.

Leslie's Kite[]

A flying relic that can be used for transportation. It looks somewhat like a kite, seems to be dark-colored, and is quite big as 4 people can fit on top of it. The relic is one of the many in Leslie's possession and he has his subordinates use it to quickly move around.

Probable relics:[]

Objects which likely are relics but haven't been explicitly confirmed as such.

Soma's swords[]

A long and a short katana, both are described as extraordinary weapons. So much so, that even an amateur can see how out of this world they are from just a look.

The longer one seems to have the ability to extend and can easily cut through the 2 meters thick tentacles of a gigantic hydra of the Dusk Realm.

The shorter katana has never been shown in action but being one of Soma's weapon it's likely to also be a relic.

Soma's armor[]

An armor that Soma wears, it's black in color, tightly fitting, with no angular spots, and an asymmetrical skirt long enough to cover the lower body.

According to Haruhiro the armor look like it's made of countless little metal plate and some orange light constantly leaks out from the inside.

Lilia's sword[]

A thin sword, probably a relic as Lilia has no problem using it to deviate and injured the 2 meters thick tentacle of one of the Dusk Realm Hydra.

Kemuri's sword[]

A very long sword, likely a relic as it's able to withstand a frontal clash with one tentacle of a gigantic Dusk Realm hydra and then tore through it.

Leslie Camp[]

The whole camps is probably a relic or at least under the effect of one and contains multiple other relics.

Door to Parano[]

A door leading to the world of Parano, can be found withing the Leslie Camp.

Black Glass Eyes[]

Glass eyes like objects that Leslie has in place of eyes.

White Bone Staff[]

A staff use by Leslie, made from unidentified white bone.

The Lich King's scepter[]

A golden scepter used by the Lich King, it can be used to launch 3 golden spheres powerful enough that they tore right through almost anything, instantaneously killing the target.

The Lich King's crown[]

A crown worn by the Lich King, it look incredibly expensive as numerous jewels, both large and small, decorate it.

Kisaragi's left arm[]

A prothestic arm Kisaragi uses in place of his missing left arm, it moves as smoothly as a real arm but it's unknown whether it has any special properties.

Legendary Relics:[]

Relics appearing in legends, it's unclear if they really exist or really have the effects they're said to have.

Tempest Calling Ring[]

A ring said to be able to call forth great tempests, Legends say that Leslie once sold it to a rich merchant from Vele in exchange for his wife and daughter.



Grimgar Characters
Haruhiro's Haruhiro, Merry, Yume, Shihoru, Kuzaku, Ranta, Moguzo, Manato, Setora, Kiichi
Renji's Renji, Ron, Chibi, Adachi, Sassa
Tokkis Tokimune, Inui, Tada, Mimori, Anna-san, Kikkawa
Soma's Soma, Kemuri, Shima, Pingo, Lilia Sturm, Zenmai, Nino
Typhoon Rocks Rock, Kajita, Moyugi, Kurou, Sakanami, Tsuga
Team Akira Akira, Branken, Gohho, Miho, Kayo, Tallow
Michiki's Michiki, Ogu, Mutsumi, Hayashi±, Merry±
Iron Knuckles Max, Aidan
Berserkers Dakki
Wild Angels Kajiko, Kikuno
Others Hiyomu, Brittany, Choco, Honen, Kimura, Kuzuoka, Yorozu, Undying King
Level. 1 Whisper, Chant, Prayer, Awaken      Level. 2 Everything is Precious      Level. 3 You Have to Accept That Things Won't Always Go Your Way      Level. 4 The Leaders and the Led      Level. 5 Hear Me Out, and Try Not to Laugh      Level. 6 Towards a Glory Not Worth Taking      Level. 7 The Rainbow on the Other Side      Level. 8 And So, We Wait for Tomorrow      Level. 9 Here Right Now, Far Into The Distance      Level. 10 A Love Song That'll Never Reach      Level. 11 At That Moment I Dreamt of Our Separate Ways      Level. 12 That was the Beginning of a Legend Revolving Around a Certain Island and Dragon      Level. 13 Heart, Open, A New Door      Level. 14 Parano-mania      Level. 14+ Things Cannot Remain the Same      Level. 14++ If There Ever Comes a Chance to Meet Again      Level. 15 A strong and ephemeral new game      Level. 16 Even we don't know the reason for Goodbye      Level. 17 Someday We Shall Bid Farewell to These War-Torn Days      Level. 18 The World Hates Me      Level. 19 To Embrace This World Is Pain      Level. 20 Thus came the time where the stars fall (temporary)]]

Episode 1      Episode 2      Episode 3      Episode 4      Episode 5      Episode 6      Episode 7      Episode 8      Episode 9      Episode 10      Episode 11      Episode 12
