Hai to Gensō no Grimgar wiki

The Leslie Camp is an elusive and strange merchant camp rumored to move around Grimgar.

This camp contains the treasure of Ainrand Leslie. As such like its owner, it's shrouded in mystery and rumors. This had attracted a large group to come and look for it. Information on it can be quite easily sold. The whole camp seems to be a relic or "being" under the influence of one, since the interior is bigger than the exterior and once someone as come inside they can't exit the Camp. Because of that Merry theorize that the whole camp could be a world in itself.

The exterior looks like a big round tent from which strange music can be heard.

The inside is called the "Labyrinth of Deep Purple Curtains." It's composed of various rooms with purple curtains for walls. Some of them containing furniture, chest and sometimes relics.

More importantly, the camp contains a door to Parano.


Level. 7 The Rainbow on the Other Side[]

One of the short stories (Recollections of a Certain Nameless Volunteer Soldier) features a volunteer soldier, self-named Anonymous, being "tortured" by Lala and Nono for having sold them false information on the Leslie Camp.

It turns out that Anonymous didn't really lie, out of the 3 possible locations for the Camp, he kept the most likely for himself and sold one of the 2 less likely to Lala and Nono but both turning out to be false.

However, Anonymous did sell the third location to another unnamed party, possibly Team Io.

Level. 13 Heart, Open, A New Door[]

Haruhiro's team came across the camp while escorting Kejiman to from Vele to Alterna . Because of Kejiman , the party ended up visiting the camp.

Inside they're greeted by Hiyomu , who invite to explore the place and look for the treasure her master Ainrand Leslie as accumulated.

While exploring the camp, Haruhiro's team came across a set of key relics which they used to open the door to Parano.

