Hai to Gensō no Grimgar wiki
Hai to Gensō no Grimgar wiki

Kuzaku (クザク, Kuzaku) is the sole survivor of Choco's party and becomes Haruhiro's group's new Tank after Moguzo's death.


Kuzaku has black hair and dark brown eyes. He is around 190cm tall.


Kuzaku is often described as a big loyal dog due to how readily he follows Haruhiro and others. Used to taking orders, he struggles when he has to make decisions for himself, and puts his role of protecting his teammates above all else. He generally tries to see the good side of things.


Before Grimgar[]

Kuzaku had played basketball for his school since he was tall. He lived with his (childish) older sister who was an employee for an unknown company. His father has a mistress that the family has known about for a while. After his mother passed away from cancer, he hated quietness as it reminded him the frequent stays in the hospital.

Level 3[]

Level 4[]

Level. 5[]

Level. 6[]

Level. 7[]

Level. 8[]

Level. 9[]

Level. 10[]


  • Block: A skill that uses a shield to stop enemy attacks as well as throwing an enemy off balance, delaying an attack, setting up a counter by pushing forward or pulling back with the shield.
  • Punishment: A powerful slash that resembles the Warrior skill Rage Blow.
  • Bash: A shield skill that violently deflects attacks.
  • Thrust: A thrust attack that is used in conjunction with a shield.
  • Guard: A defensive sword technique.
  • Tug of War: A defensive sword technique.
  • Feint: A fake attack to draw an opponents attention away from the real attack.
  • Saber: Once a ritual involving carving a hexagram into the blade and marking it with blood. Once completed a light magic spell that conveys Lumiaris's blessing on the blade to enhance the blade's sharpness. A side effect is that the blade glows bright enough to dazzle anyone who looks at it close by. Incantation is "O Light of Lumiaris. Bestow the light of protection on my blade."


Though not described in great detail, it can be assumed that he was issued a sword and shield as part of his started equipment, as that is what paladins seem to use.

Volume 6[]

  • Bought a new shield and helmet.

Volume 7[]

  • Bought a curved trapezoidal shield called a "Gushtat" and a pair of lightweight sturdy gauntlets.
  • Ranta gave his Betrayer Mk. II to Kuzaku.
  • Found a helm in the City of the Dead Ones that looked like a hawk's head. Since his current helm was fairly worn, he replaced it with the hawk one that Ranta named Hawk Helm. Kuzaku does not like the name.

Volume 10[]

  • Picked up a large, solid katana and a large, heavy shield in the Mound of Katanas.

Volume 12[]

  • Took a wide heavy dagger, found in a dwarf hole, as a backup weapon.
  • Found a dwarven helmet and shield to use in a dwarven weapons cache.



Kuzaku has deep respect for Haruhiro and often would unabashedly admit it, creeping Haruhiro out. Being unable to focus for a long time himself, Kuzaku is thoroughly impressed with how Haruhiro is able to think about so many things in difficult situations.


Kuzaku fell in love with Merry and, even after being properly turned down in Volume 6, he is not completely over it.


After Ranta joined Forgan, Kuzaku found himself unable to forgive Ranta for that, since his treachery ended up with Merry captured.






  • If he was to become king one day he would make himself a harem.


Grimgar Characters
Haruhiro's Haruhiro, Merry, Yume, Shihoru, Kuzaku, Ranta, Moguzo, Manato, Setora, Kiichi
Renji's Renji, Ron, Chibi, Adachi, Sassa
Tokkis Tokimune, Inui, Tada, Mimori, Anna-san, Kikkawa
Soma's Soma, Kemuri, Shima, Pingo, Lilia Sturm, Zenmai, Nino
Typhoon Rocks Rock, Kajita, Moyugi, Kurou, Sakanami, Tsuga
Team Akira Akira, Branken, Gohho, Miho, Kayo, Tallow
Michiki's Michiki, Ogu, Mutsumi, Hayashi±, Merry±
Iron Knuckles Max, Aidan
Berserkers Dakki
Wild Angels Kajiko, Kikuno
Others Hiyomu, Brittany, Choco, Honen, Kimura, Kuzuoka, Yorozu, Undying King
Level. 1 Whisper, Chant, Prayer, Awaken      Level. 2 Everything is Precious      Level. 3 You Have to Accept That Things Won't Always Go Your Way      Level. 4 The Leaders and the Led      Level. 5 Hear Me Out, and Try Not to Laugh      Level. 6 Towards a Glory Not Worth Taking      Level. 7 The Rainbow on the Other Side      Level. 8 And So, We Wait for Tomorrow      Level. 9 Here Right Now, Far Into The Distance      Level. 10 A Love Song That'll Never Reach      Level. 11 At That Moment I Dreamt of Our Separate Ways      Level. 12 That was the Beginning of a Legend Revolving Around a Certain Island and Dragon      Level. 13 Heart, Open, A New Door      Level. 14 Parano-mania      Level. 14+ Things Cannot Remain the Same      Level. 14++ If There Ever Comes a Chance to Meet Again      Level. 15 A strong and ephemeral new game      Level. 16 Even we don't know the reason for Goodbye      Level. 17 Someday We Shall Bid Farewell to These War-Torn Days      Level. 18 The World Hates Me      Level. 19 To Embrace This World Is Pain      Level. 20 Thus came the time where the stars fall (temporary)]]

Episode 1      Episode 2      Episode 3      Episode 4      Episode 5      Episode 6      Episode 7      Episode 8      Episode 9      Episode 10      Episode 11      Episode 12
