Hai to Gensō no Grimgar wiki

The Kingdom of Ishmal (イシュマル王国, lit. Ishumaru ōkoku) was a nation that was destroyed by the No-Life King over a century ago. It now resides the Undead race.


Whiterock Mountains[]

Is topped with silver snow that would never melt, north of Thousand Valley. Housed the capital of the former kingdom.


Over a century ago, the great human kingdoms of Ishmal, Arabakia, and Nananka ruled over Grimgar along with elves, dwarves, and centaurs. The sudden rise and baffling power of the Undying Empire of the No-Life King devastated the four races and wiped the kingdoms into oblivion.

Supposedly, a princess from the royal family, Princess Titiha (ティティハ姫, Titiha Hime), wore a certain necklace until her final moments. This very necklace, called the Nigelunku Necklace (ニーゲルンクの首飾り, Nīgerunku no kubikazari), is rumored to be in position of Ainrand Leslie.
