Hai to Gensō no Grimgar wiki

Kimura (キムラ, Kimura) is a Priest acting as Orion second in command and a close friend of Shinohara. He is a weirdo who wouldn't seem out of place among the Tokkis, his laughter being especially weird, however he can be serious when the situation request it, and is dedicated to his cause.


When he first appears in the series (during the expedition in the Dusk Realm) Kimura appears mostly normal and somewhat similar to Shinohara with his has a calm and courteous demeanor. He was still a bit weird: becoming furious with passion when someone rudely comments in flat-chested women.

However, it was nothing compares to the truly weird and creepy attitude he displays when he reappears in the series (for the assault on Mount Grief). While before he appeared calm and composed most of the time only being weird at times, he is now making weird noises and fighting by only targeting his opponents' crotch, and only rarely act like he used to.

That change to his personality could be due to the death of his lover Yokoi during one of Orion's expedition in the Graveyard.


He wears round glasses and sports a crew cut. While his clothes are never describe directly, we do know that he wears the typical priest as uniform (since he is said to have the same as Tada's) although his robe could be embroidered with Orion's symbol.


Level. 5 Hear Me Out, and Try Not to Laugh[]

Kimura first appears during the preparation for the attack on the Giant God of the Dusk Realm, while he isn't given a rank the fact that he is the one discussing Orion's plan with Shinohara show that he is an important member. While he appears rather normal at the time, he also shows his weirder side from the strange way he laughs and when he gets enraged upon hearing one of Ranta's usual "quips" on Yume's less than bountiful bosom.

Level. 17 Someday We Shall Bid Farewell to These War-Torn Days[]

As a member of Orion, Kimura is part of the assault on Mount Grief, in fact, as one of Orion most important member, he is given the task of leading the team composed of non-Orion volunteer soldier through the graveyard. In the course of that mission, he is able to put to rest 3 of his comrade who had died in a previous mission into the Tomb and were raised as wraiths. Unfortunately, while him and the rest of the expedition do manage to reach the Lich King, he is one of that fight casualties. He dies by pushing Shinohara out of the way of one of the Lich King's instant death spell, taking it instead. However, he is immediately avenged, Shinohara destroying the King in a (acted) feat of rage.


Despite being a priest, Kimura is actually a pretty decent fighter when using a buckler and a mace. However, his fighting style is idiosyncratic to say the least, as he only targets his opponent's crotch (be they alive or not, female or male). This, combine with his usual creepiness and how surprisingly resilient he is: continuing to fight despite being heavily wounded, can make him a pretty disturbing sight.

Ironically, there's less information on his skill as a priest, but he does seem to be at least as good as any experience priests since he can effectively buff and heal his allies.



He considers Shinohara to be his best friend and a great leader, and while he is willing to accept that there may be something weird with him, he keeps faith in him.

Kimura died protecting Shinohara from a spell which may have been able to go through his relic shield. His death shocked Shinohara, making the usually mild-mannered leader of Orion go into a rage. However, Shinohara was actually acting that show of rage, using it to justify destroying the Lich King's Gantlet which the other through to be a relic and the source of his power.

As such, because of Shinohara's constant acting and internal justification, it's hard to say if he cared for Kimura, but we at least know that he did value him a great deal, regretting his early death.


Yokoi was a member of Orion who died during one of their exploration of Mount Grief, Shinohara was in love with her and her death seems to have affected him a great deal. Since she only appears in the series as a wraith/mimic it's hard to say, but it does seem like the sentiment wasn't reciprocated as Kimura says that getting hurt by her bring back memories of their "days of love and lust". Moreover, multiple times during the fight, Haruhiro notes that Yokoi seems to be disgusted and targeting Kimura.



  • He knows how to make his glasses flash on command and repeatedly, according to Haruhiro it's impressive


Grimgar Characters
Haruhiro's Haruhiro, Merry, Yume, Shihoru, Kuzaku, Ranta, Moguzo, Manato, Setora, Kiichi
Renji's Renji, Ron, Chibi, Adachi, Sassa
Tokkis Tokimune, Inui, Tada, Mimori, Anna-san, Kikkawa
Soma's Soma, Kemuri, Shima, Pingo, Lilia Sturm, Zenmai, Nino
Typhoon Rocks Rock, Kajita, Moyugi, Kurou, Sakanami, Tsuga
Team Akira Akira, Branken, Gohho, Miho, Kayo, Tallow
Michiki's Michiki, Ogu, Mutsumi, Hayashi±, Merry±
Iron Knuckles Max, Aidan
Berserkers Dakki
Wild Angels Kajiko, Kikuno
Others Hiyomu, Brittany, Choco, Honen, Kimura, Kuzuoka, Yorozu, Undying King
Level. 1 Whisper, Chant, Prayer, Awaken      Level. 2 Everything is Precious      Level. 3 You Have to Accept That Things Won't Always Go Your Way      Level. 4 The Leaders and the Led      Level. 5 Hear Me Out, and Try Not to Laugh      Level. 6 Towards a Glory Not Worth Taking      Level. 7 The Rainbow on the Other Side      Level. 8 And So, We Wait for Tomorrow      Level. 9 Here Right Now, Far Into The Distance      Level. 10 A Love Song That'll Never Reach      Level. 11 At That Moment I Dreamt of Our Separate Ways      Level. 12 That was the Beginning of a Legend Revolving Around a Certain Island and Dragon      Level. 13 Heart, Open, A New Door      Level. 14 Parano-mania      Level. 14+ Things Cannot Remain the Same      Level. 14++ If There Ever Comes a Chance to Meet Again      Level. 15 A strong and ephemeral new game      Level. 16 Even we don't know the reason for Goodbye      Level. 17 Someday We Shall Bid Farewell to These War-Torn Days      Level. 18 The World Hates Me      Level. 19 To Embrace This World Is Pain      Level. 20 Thus came the time where the stars fall (temporary)]]

Episode 1      Episode 2      Episode 3      Episode 4      Episode 5      Episode 6      Episode 7      Episode 8      Episode 9      Episode 10      Episode 11      Episode 12
