Jin Mogis is a former General from the Kingdom of Arabakia, leader of what used to be the Expeditionary Force, and now King of the Frontier.
For more than a decade, he fought in the harsh war with the barbarians living south of the kingdom before being made the leader of a special unite tasked with hunting deserters: "The black Hounds" in recognition of his accomplishments.
When Alterna felt to the orcs and was occupied by the goblins, he was the one ordered to retake it as the leader of the Expeditionary Force. A demotion in everything but name as that army is mostly made of amateurs, and the kingdom plan to collapse the Dragon way if the Force fail to retake Alterna.
As such after successfully taking back the city General Moris decided to left Arabakia to become King of the Frontier, forming an alliance with Ainrand Leslie, and is trying to form one with the Goblins of Damuro.
General Mogis is a tall man (but smaller than Kuzaku) in his forties, with red hair, sharp rust-colored eyes, and a well-groomed beard. He wore a well-polished armor with the black hound black cloak over it.
Haruhiro describes his voice as throaty and intimidating.
Jin Moris is a clam and inscrutable man, who, despite his oppressive presence, can appear as a rather patient and forgiving general, at first.
In truth, he is a cold, manipulative, and ruthless man willing to do anything for his goal as shown when he executed one of his men to set an example and push the other to "volunteer" for a suicide mission.
Moreover, it seems like the general enjoys carnages and combats, a trait he seems to shares with most of the black hounds.
According to Neal the general doesn't trust anyone and only looking to see who's willing to follow his orders to the letter.
Before Level. 15[]
Before being made to retake the frontier as the leader of the Expeditionary Force, Jin Mogis fought in the long ruthless wars against the barbarian, all over the south of the kingdom of Arabakia. Finally, after ten years he was made commander of the Black Hound a special unite tasked with hunting deserters.
When Alterna fell, he was the one ordered to retake it as the leader of the Expeditionary Force.
However that Force is mostly made up of men with no combat experience or deserters. Moreover, agents of the King are likely hiding within it, and that if it seems like retaking Alterna is impossible the Kingdom will destroy the Earth Dragon's Aorta, the only safe way linking the mainland and the frontier, effectively trapping the Force in the frontier.
Showing that that affectation was a demotion in everything but name and that for some yet unknown reasons, the General has likely lost the Kingdom's favors.
Level. 15 A Fleeting New Game Plus[]
At the start of volume 16, the expeditionary force has recently crossed the Tenryu mountains. Jin is planning to attack Alterna now occupied by goblins, as nothing less than taking back the city would likely be considered a failure by the Kingdom.
However, the Expeditionary Force barely qualifies as an army, being a ragtag group made mostly of deserters and men either too young or too old to be really useful and with no barely any discipline. As such the force is extremely slow, and its efficacy in battle isn't guaranteed in the least.
Not long after arriving in the frontier, a group of scoot dispatch by the general and lead by Neal, stumble upon Team Haruhiro, and after some intimidation manage to "convince" them to join the Force. A chance for the General, in dire need of good men especially locals with information on Alterna.
The next day the general decides to start the true offensive, choosing to take a route who goes thought some of the mountains near the Tenryu. A decision not without risk as they could be attacked by dragons, but a necessary risk if they want to stay hidden from the enemy given the state and size of the Force.
Yet despite being only 40 km aways from Alterna, the General initially predict that it will take them 3 days, a prediction which turns out to be false as the soldiers are so incompetent that the army only covers 5 km the first day, 12 the second, and 5 again the third finally arriving at the foot of the mountains they were planning to cross.
While going through an area where the army could be attacked by dragons is a big risk, it seems like it may have been part of Jin's plan to disciplined the army, as within the mountains, under constant threat, the soldiers' attitude as improved drastically. If so the general won his bet as the army discipline improve and no dragon attacked.
Having safely crossed the mountains the army then walked 4 km the next day, finally being about 10 km from Alterna. However, at this distance, on mostly open terrain, a force their size would be immediately noticed by the enemy. To find a solution to that problem the general decides to send a small group composed of Haruhiro, Merry, Neal, and Anthony, to infiltrate the city using a secret underground passage.
The mission is a success and comes back with Barbara, one of the last thieves' guild mentors, who manage to survive hidden within the city and as such as a good grasp on the situations inside the walls. After a short meeting, it's decided that the army will attack in 9 days, the time for Barbara to make a clear map from the cryptic one of the thief's guild and for a small group of about 80 men (including a suicide squad of around 50 men) to take position within Alterna.
The next day, to find the "volunteers" for the suicide squad, the General gives a rather unorthodox speech: announcing that he will execute one soldier who has broken regulation each day until the quota of 50 "volunteers" is filled. A threat he acts on the same day, as now one volunteer by nightfall Jin beheads a young soldier for being seated without having been ordered to do so.
He was the only victim thought, as 48 persons volunteer the second day, and as the general was looking for his second victims 6 more soldiers volunteered, upping the suicide squad number to 54.
The plan of the operation was for the suicide squad to acts as soon as the main force would attack from the exterior, attacking the south door from the interior to try to open it or at least act as a diversion. A the same time making use of the chaos created by the suicide squad and the main force, the rest of the troops hiding within the city, lead by commander Dylan, would attack Tenboro tower and kill the goblin Viceroy, Bogg.
While the operation ends up successful, the troop within the city endure big losses having fallen in a trap laid out by the goblin, the viceroy being slain only thanks to Haruhiro exploit. After his death, most goblins lost the will to fight, allowing the suicide squad to open the south gate, and not long after Team Haruhiro opened the north gate letting in the rest of the main force who proceed to massacre most of the goblins who were trying to flee by that gate. Alterna was once again part of the kingdom of Arabakia.
Not for long, however, having retaken the Tenburo tower, Jin Mogis found the Margrave Garlan Vedoy, Lord of Alterna, still alive but naked and trapped in a cage. Taking advantage of the situation, the general killed the Lord and declared himself King of the Frontier.
As a veteran who distinguished himself during the ruthless war against the southern barbarians and the leader of an elite group, Jin Moris is an elite warrior and commander. He is physically quite powerful, as while still weaker than Kuzaku he is still able to block one of his strikes then kick him back, but what makes Jin really dangerous is his wealth of experience and tenacity. However, the general is far from being overpowered and Haruhiro notes that if Mogis and Kuzaku were to fight in single combat he doesn't know who would come on top and that the general would lose if he had to fight more than one member of Team Haruhiro at a time.
At least that was true up to Jin Mogis getting his hand on a relic: a ring which can be activated to weaken people around him and strengthen himself. When under the effects of that ring Jin becomes a super-human able to easily overpower all of Team Haruhiro by himself without breaking a sweat, incapacitated someone like Ranta with merely one kick, and crush wood with his bare hand.
Another thing that makes the General truly dangerous, and is in fact what makes him a real threat prior to gaining his relic, is his talent at manipulating people. Something he can even do using only his dominating presence and speech. Not that he limits himself to non-violent actions, as he doesn't hesitate to use violence, threats, hostage, and group execution to make others obey him. He is also a talented tactician able to make use of even the worst troops and inspire respect and obedience in his men through his actions and speech, despite his brutal methods.
He wore what seems to be good quality armor and the trademark black fur cloak of the Black Hounds and fight using a sword.
During volume 16 he gets his hand on a relic ring, probably given or sold to him by Ainrand Leslie. When used that ring weaken everyone around him and empower him to super human levels of strength and speed.
As a member of the black hounds, he has worked under the general for a long time.
They both seems to respect and "trust" each other, they actually don't really trust each other but the General know that Neal will do as he is told and Neal Know that following the General order is what benefit him the most, so they do have something similar to trust.
Anthony Justeen[]
Neither of them trusts the other, the general likely seeing Haruhiro as capable pawns with the added advantage of being a local of sorts, therefore, knowing the city and its surrounding (or so he believes). But from the fact that he almost always has someone from the black hounds monitoring Team Haruhiro, it's obvious that the General knows they're only obeying out of obligation and would probably flee at the first occasion.
Which is confirmed by the fact that Haruhiro dislikes and distrusts the general from the start. His opinion of him only worsening as time go on and Jin kills the margrave, formes an alliance with Leslie, and orders them to act as a delegation with the goblin. Haruhiro coming to really hate him when the general takes Shihoru Hostage to ensure that they accomplish the diplomatic mission and don't flee.
Ainrand Leslie[]
The two seems to have entered in a partnership as Hiyomu is now working for the general.
While Jin's opinion of Leslie is unknown, it seems like, for his part, Lessie doesn't think much of the general, being more interested in the volunteer soldier corpse.
She is now working under Jin as a representative for Leslie.
She seems to have been the one to suggest an alliance with the goblins and is part of the delegation going to Damuro.
The Black Hounds[]
They're the general protege and elite force, the only men he seems to really trust. They're elite soldiers who have experience fighting in the wars against the Barbarians and in the mainland were tasked with hunting deserters, however, there's few of them: around 50 follow the General to the frontier and many didn't survive the battle to retake Alterna.
- Jin Mogis could be a descendant from the once powerful house of Moguis, a noble house from the Arabakia Kingdom which fell sometime before the rise of the No-Life King.
Haruhiro's | Haruhiro, Merry, Yume†, Shihoru, Kuzaku, Ranta†, Moguzo†, Manato†, Setora, Kiichi† |
Renji's | Renji, Ron, Chibi, Adachi, Sassa† |
Tokkis | Tokimune†, Inui, Tada, Mimori, Anna-san, Kikkawa |
Soma's | Soma, Kemuri, Shima, Pingo†, Lilia Sturm, Zenmai, Nino† |
Typhoon Rocks | Rock, Kajita, Moyugi, Kurou, Sakanami, Tsuga |
Team Akira | Akira, Branken, Gohho, Miho, Kayo, Tallow |
Michiki's | Michiki†, Ogu†, Mutsumi†, Hayashi±, Merry± |
Iron Knuckles | Max, Aidan |
Berserkers | Dakki |
Wild Angels | Kajiko, Kikuno |
Others | Hiyomu, Brittany†, Choco†, Honen, Kimura, Kuzuoka, Yorozu, Undying King |