The Emerald Islands (エメラルド諸島, Emerarudo Shotō; J-Novel "Emerald Archipelago") is known to be a region for pirates and is located near the Thousand Valley. Its coined name comes from the green-colored dragons that have resided on the islands for centuries.
The Emerald Islands is long known to be a haven for dragons. Before humans settled onto the region, another race, the Lunarka, lived on the islands within a forest.
All three inhabitants have an unspoken understanding of neutrality and do not meddle into their each others' affairs. The dragons, lunarkans, and humans have their own designated territory and cannot invade onto their area unless invited.
Not much is known about the original residents of the Emerald Islands, only that at some point in the past they chose to live on the archipelago. They are recognizable by their shade of green that is reminiscent to emerald. The dragons are not vicious creatures, as they do not hunt humans are lunarkans, but eat marine life.
Kamshika Tribe[]
The lunarka race (ルナルカ, Runaruka) immigrated to the islands at some point in the past and lived among the forest. Over time, they built their own society and created a sect called the Kamshika Tribe (カムシカ, Kamushika). As natives of the island that lived beside dragons for many years, the lunarkans have a better understanding in the green dragons' behavior and do not dare trespass into their territory.
Roronea (ロロネア) is the human port town that foresees trading and pirate gatherings. Numerous pirate societies live here.
- Roronea, the human port town, may be a reference to a character from popular manga series One Piece.