Hai to Gensō no Grimgar wiki

Anonymous is the pseudonym of an information broker volunteer soldier. He does have a proper name but he hardly ever use it, preferring to be called by his pseudonym.

While it's not explicitly said, the fact that he has been looking for leads on Leslie Camp for years means that he is likely a Lesliemaniac.


Anonymous was never described or illustrated, but from his story he is likely a fairly average man.


Anonymous seems to be quite solitary as he works alone, and has abandon his name in part because he rarely used it.

He also doesn't have the highest self esteem since he call himself "but a lowly volunteer soldier".

That said he is probably quite brave as he his willing to go looking for the Leslie Camp alone.


Level. 7 The Rainbow on the Other Side[]

He appeared in one of the bonus side stories for Level. 7: "Recollections of a Certain Nameless Volunteer Soldier".

That story is told from Anonymous point of view, as he is being interrogated by Lala and Nono for having sold them an unreliable lead on the Leslie Camp.

We learn that Anonymous had at long last acquired leads on the Leslie Camp's position. As he had three leads, but could only follow one, he decided to keep the most likely to himself and sell the other two.

Unfortunately for him, his lead was a fake, and he ended up being attacked by orcs. Which according to him, makes him as much of a victim as Lala and Nono.

Sadly since he is gagged and bound, he doesn't have a chance to explain himself or apologies. Lala finally deciding to have her revenge by making him fall unconscious, stripping him naked, and leaving him gagged and bound, in a street near the Yorozu Deposit.


Probably average since he describes himself as "but a lowly volunteer soldier", and he is for sure weaker than Lala and Nono as he was powerless before them.

That said, his skills are likely not too shabby since he managed to survived as a solo volunteer soldier and was able to escape with his life after facing a band of orcs.

He is probably also quite good as an information broker if prominent volunteer soldiers like Lala and Nono are willing to buy some of his info.


Lala and Nono[]

Customers then "torturers".


  • "I had no name...Well, I did have one, but I hardly ever used it myself." - Anonymous, explaining his situation


  • So far he has only appeared in that one bonus short story from Level. 7: "Recollections of a Certain Nameless Volunteer Soldier".
  • Anonymous doesn't appear in the regular ebook and physical version of Level. 7 english release as bonus side story are only included in the premium ebook version, sold directly by J-Novel-Club. For the japanese release it was a store exclusive bonus for the physical version.
  • We don't know who the party Anonymous sold the third lead to is. But from the fact that it was a party, the time at which it was sold, and the people we know end up in Parano; it seems likely that if the third lead was the right one then that party is likely Team Io.



Grimgar Characters
Haruhiro's Haruhiro, Merry, Yume, Shihoru, Kuzaku, Ranta, Moguzo, Manato, Setora, Kiichi
Renji's Renji, Ron, Chibi, Adachi, Sassa
Tokkis Tokimune, Inui, Tada, Mimori, Anna-san, Kikkawa
Soma's Soma, Kemuri, Shima, Pingo, Lilia Sturm, Zenmai, Nino
Typhoon Rocks Rock, Kajita, Moyugi, Kurou, Sakanami, Tsuga
Team Akira Akira, Branken, Gohho, Miho, Kayo, Tallow
Michiki's Michiki, Ogu, Mutsumi, Hayashi±, Merry±
Iron Knuckles Max, Aidan
Berserkers Dakki
Wild Angels Kajiko, Kikuno
Others Hiyomu, Brittany, Choco, Honen, Kimura, Kuzuoka, Yorozu, Undying King
Level. 1 Whisper, Chant, Prayer, Awaken      Level. 2 Everything is Precious      Level. 3 You Have to Accept That Things Won't Always Go Your Way      Level. 4 The Leaders and the Led      Level. 5 Hear Me Out, and Try Not to Laugh      Level. 6 Towards a Glory Not Worth Taking      Level. 7 The Rainbow on the Other Side      Level. 8 And So, We Wait for Tomorrow      Level. 9 Here Right Now, Far Into The Distance      Level. 10 A Love Song That'll Never Reach      Level. 11 At That Moment I Dreamt of Our Separate Ways      Level. 12 That was the Beginning of a Legend Revolving Around a Certain Island and Dragon      Level. 13 Heart, Open, A New Door      Level. 14 Parano-mania      Level. 14+ Things Cannot Remain the Same      Level. 14++ If There Ever Comes a Chance to Meet Again      Level. 15 A strong and ephemeral new game      Level. 16 Even we don't know the reason for Goodbye      Level. 17 Someday We Shall Bid Farewell to These War-Torn Days      Level. 18 The World Hates Me      Level. 19 To Embrace This World Is Pain      Level. 20 Thus came the time where the stars fall (temporary)]]

Episode 1      Episode 2      Episode 3      Episode 4      Episode 5      Episode 6      Episode 7      Episode 8      Episode 9      Episode 10      Episode 11      Episode 12

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