Hey, I have a question regarding this topic.
You see, I have read the light novel right after I finished watching the anime back in 2016. That time I was so curious about the continuation of the story so I tried to find the English translation of the LN on the internet.
And I remember that there was an additional chapter that explaining what happens when a person in Grimgar died. I don't know in which chapter or which volume it is, but I remember that there are such things.
The story was about Manato, who ended up on an unknown island in Japan. He couldn't remember what happened with him, just like when he entered Grimgar.
I can't remember what happens next, but that's what I remember.
Now, I doubt this 'vague' memories of mine, so I want to ask. Whether this story is 'real', or maybe I mess up my memories and confused it with something else. Or maybe this is just fanfic or something.
Please, answer and clear up that point. If there is no such story about that, then please tell me what happens when someone dies in Grimgar?
Thank you....,