Spoiler, I'm trying to stay vague so it should be okay but if you're anime-only or just start the LN it's safer to not read the following.
Because of what happens at the end of vol XIV and vol XVI, I think we should change the way the characters' page of the characters affected by these events are structured. The personality and relationship sections are especially bad but for some characters, the ability section could also become quite confusing.
In my opinion, a good way to resolve that problem would be to use tabs, where I'm unsure, however, is what to include in the tabs:
Do we keep the pages mostly as they are now and only create tabs inside the sections where it's confusing ie personality, ability, and relationship?
Or do we just divide the whole page, each tab being like a page within the page?
I'm personally partial to the second option, especially for Merry and Shihoru.
It's also important to find how to name tabs in a way that limits spoiler since if we just name them something like (vol1 - 14), (before Vol1) and (vol 14 to ~) it becomes really obvious that something big happens to that character at the end of vol14.
If anyone has a better idea than tabs to solve that problem I'm also interested.
I want to make a page for the wonder hole before starting to work on some of the main characters (probably starting with Shihoru) so in the meantime feel free to give your opinion, or shoot the idea down if you think we should leave the pages as they are.