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The Amazon comparison is apt because both despise men for many reasons.
I remembered that in some RPG’s a person can have a dual class.
Spoiler, I'm trying to stay vague so it should be okay but if you're anime-only or just start the LN it's safer to not read the following.
Because of what happens at the end of vol XIV and vol XVI, I think we should change the way the characters' page of the characters affected by these events are structured. The personality and relationship sections are especially bad but for some characters, the ability section could also become quite confusing.
In my opinion, a good way to resolve that problem would be to use tabs, where I'm unsure, however, is what to include in the tabs:
Do we keep the pages mostly as they are now and only create tabs inside the sections where it's confusing ie personality, ability, and relationship?
Or do we just divide the whole page, each tab being like a page within the page?
I'm personally partial to the second option, especially for Merry and Shihoru.
It's also important to find how to name tabs in a way that limits spoiler since if we just name them something like (vol1 - 14), (before Vol1) and (vol 14 to ~) it becomes really obvious that something big happens to that character at the end of vol14.
If anyone has a better idea than tabs to solve that problem I'm also interested.
I want to make a page for the wonder hole before starting to work on some of the main characters (probably starting with Shihoru) so in the meantime feel free to give your opinion, or shoot the idea down if you think we should leave the pages as they are.
I watched the anime a while back, and really loved the vibe. Does anyone know why there isn't anything on a Season 2? I read somewhere that it was because the studio behind the amazing backgrounds shut down, but was anything officially announced?
Spoiler alert....
So haru and the others beat the leslie camp, shouldnt they get a reward like kenji man said? instead they got scammed? dont know i thought that been this huge thing in grimgar the would hold their part of the deal.
Hey, I have a question regarding this topic.
You see, I have read the light novel right after I finished watching the anime back in 2016. That time I was so curious about the continuation of the story so I tried to find the English translation of the LN on the internet.
And I remember that there was an additional chapter that explaining what happens when a person in Grimgar died. I don't know in which chapter or which volume it is, but I remember that there are such things.
The story was about Manato, who ended up on an unknown island in Japan. He couldn't remember what happened with him, just like when he entered Grimgar.
I can't remember what happens next, but that's what I remember.
Now, I doubt this 'vague' memories of mine, so I want to ask. Whether this story is 'real', or maybe I mess up my memories and confused it with something else. Or maybe this is just fanfic or something.
Please, answer and clear up that point. If there is no such story about that, then please tell me what happens when someone dies in Grimgar?
Thank you....,
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Best of luck with the wiki and to its community in the future!
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Hey, Grimgar Fans!! I'm here to share about a story I'm writing based on this concept (Fan-Fiction) I've already completed the first chapter and I'm running out of ideas. I've decided that it would be best to ask the community to join me and my protagonist on his quest through "Grimgar From Whispers to Silence."
It's very simple. Just respond with your desired name and guild. It's not required but I do ask that you do provide a backstory of your character and who your character will be like in Grimgar. I may ask for some more things in the future but I need character ideas. You can be one of them!! Who knows, If I enjoy your character he may be apart of the main cast!
I was reading the first light novel and towards the end it says that Souma changed his class from warrior to paladin after the party priest's death. Now, what's the point of paladins? Can they heal or are they the same as warriors? And if they can heal, aren't they an overall better choice than priests?
Given the pace at which the story has progressed, how long do you think it will be before the main characters get to the No-Life King or find something about how they came to be on Grimgar?
What would your guild/class be?
If Team Haruhiro had to change their class, what other class would suit them best?
Haruhiro - Hunter. A hunter has many similar traits to a thief. Haruhiro and Yume are the scouts of the party so being able to track/read trails combined with Sneaking would be beneficial. Both a Hunter and a Thief are lightly armored. A Hunter would also give Haruhiro ranged capabilities with archery. He would also gain skills that enhance his visual acuity, dodging capabilities, and additional knife skills as that is his primary weapon as a Thief.
Ranta - Dread Knight ergo no other class.
Yume - Thief. Pretty much for all the same reasons as Haruhiro. Being a Thief would compliment Yume's skills as a Hunter.
Shihoru - Really, the only thing for her is to be a Priest. Can't see her being anything else.
Mary - Mage is a possibility, though given how she used to be a frontline fighter in her first party I could see her as a Paladin.
Kuzaku - Honestly not sure. A Warrior would not be too be a stretch.
Moguzo - Paladin, obviously, but I can also see him being a good Priest, however it wouldn't play to his strength.
Manato - Honestly he would probably be great in any class but I could see him being a great Paladin or Warrior.
What are your choices?